VACANT_CONVERT - New habitats for convertible vacant buildings

Also appears in: National, Ongoing

NEW HABITATS FOR CONVERTIBLE VACANT BUILDINGS – Addressing a neglected potential for affordable housing supply in contemporary Portugal: Contributions to a rising European issue.

This research seeks to identify and prioritize conversion strategies and rehabilitation needs for transforming vacant public buildings into housing. The primary goal is to better manage cultural, social, and environmental resources while creating sustainable, affordable, and communal housing solutions for social groups who lack market-driven options.

Given the vast and varied nature of vacant building stock, the focus is on adaptable structures that can be repurposed into new types of housing, particularly those not addressed by recent housing policies. The research will concentrate on vacant service buildings with shared spaces, which can be converted, adapted, and reused. It will involve identifying a selection of these buildings, analyzing them, and proposing affordable rehabilitation strategies based on successful European models.

This research is part of a larger initiative to guide evidence-based urban and housing policies, developed in close collaboration with state institutions that own relevant buildings and key reconstruction stakeholders. By drawing on research projects and best practices from Europe, the program will create frameworks, guidelines, and models for building conversion. It will evaluate buildings in valuable urban areas, develop tailored conversion strategies, and detail rehabilitation requirements for each building type.

Project Duration: September 2024 – July 2030

Funding Institution: Science and Technology Foundation

Project Reference: 2023.06510.CEECIND


Joana Mourão

BioValue – Biodiversity value in spatial policy and planning leveraging multi-level and transformative change

The aim of BioValue is to leverage transformative change in spatial policymaking, planning practices and infrastructure development. Doing so, it upscales opportunities for valuing biodiversity in support of EU strategic actions. Transformative change is a fundamental, system-wide reorganization across technological, economic and social factors, including paradigms, goals and values. Biodiversity loss is one of the persistent problems Europe is facing. But transformative change in spatial planning can help biodiversity to be better valued while developing new ways to reach sustainable development goals.

Spatial planning policy and decision-making take place at different levels, from local to global. Therefore, many are the players who can drive transformative change in spatial policy and planning processes – researchers, the public, policy makers, businesses and third sector organisations.

The project aims to safeguard and increase biodiversity by focusing on key steps of the mitigation hierarchy, addressing indirect drivers, renewed EU finance strategy within spatial planning, and better articulated instruments for mainstreaming biodiversity concerns into other sectors across different levels of governance. This project has 7 partners across Portugal, Italy, Germany and Denmark.

You can access the website of the project here.

Project Duration: July 2022 – June 2025

Funding Institution: Horizon Europe

Project Reference: 101060790



Maria do Rosário Partidário
Margarida Barata Monteiro
Isabel Loupa Ramos
Jorge Batista e Silva
Ana Sá
Rute Martins

GreeNexUS – Green-health-safety Nexus for new Urban Spaces

Also appears in: International, Ongoing

In our increasingly anthropised planet, many cities are facing multiple societal and environmental challenges and the link between the characteristics of the urban green contexts and people’s health and safety represents an emerging topic and of urgent importance. Air pollution and urban climate, reduced contact with nature, limited access to quality green spaces, and urban fabrics and infrastructure that discourage sustainable&safe mobility and active lifestyles, are  threatening the mental and physical well-being of an aging society and increasing its social disparities.

The GreeNexUS project proposes a novel and multidisciplinary approach to promote urban greening, territorial regeneration and safety/accessibility/walkability of urban infrastructures, as key strategies to face those challenges, while addressing climate change and preventing pandemics from exacerbating inequalities in disadvantaged/vulnerable groups.

The GreeNexUS participants (20 institutions from 9 European countries) are joining forces to offer a collaborative Training-through-Research programme involving universities, research centres, companies, NGOs, and local authorities that share this new vision of fostering greener, healthier and safer urban realms of Europe’s cities and towns.

To know more about this project access here.

Project Duration: January 2023 – December 2026

Funding Institution: Horizon Europe

Project Reference: 10.3030/101073437


Miguel Amado

TOPIO – Towards Democratic Landscape Observation Through Geoinformatics and Public Participation

Also appears in: International, Ongoing

TOPIO project harnesses the power of citizen science, geoinformatics, AI and public participation to empower individuals in actively shaping landscape decisions. It offers a dynamic solution to bridge the gap between acknowledgment and action in the pursuit of sustainable development. With an emphasis on interdisciplinary training, innovative monitoring techniques and socio-cultural dimensions, TOPIO fosters a dialogue among stakeholders and proposes actionable recommendations for policymakers.

TOPIO aims to give people an active role in decision-making on landscape by means of Citizen Science, Geoinformatics (Earth Observation and GIS), Artificial Intelligence and Public Participation to promote the area’s sustainable development.

TOPIO will position the landscape as a key concept in addressing broader challenges such as the Faro Convention Plan, Aarhus Convention, UN sustainable development goals, the EU Green deal etc.

This project has 8 participants from Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Belgium, Spain, Estonia and Italy.

To know more about this project access here.

Project Duration: December 2023 – November 2027

Funding Institution: Horizon Europe

Project Reference: 10.3030/101131109


Isabel Loupa Ramos
Fátima Bernardo
Jorge Batista e Silva

BoSS – Bauhaus of Seas Sails

Also appears in: International, Ongoing

Presented as a manifesto in 2020, the Bauhaus of the Seas was first devised as a situated vision that responded to the New European Bauhaus challenge posed by the European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, in September 2020.

Such a vision incorporated an understanding of the climate crisis as a global, complex hyperobject emerging from human exceptionalism of generations schooled in the dichotomy of humans vs nature. Only an interdisciplinary, intergenerational and interspecies movement that addresses the sheer complexity and scale of the problem will allow us to enact meaningful change.

In response to this challenge, this vision evolved towards a New European Bauhaus mobilisation around the most definitive global natural space and the most critical shared space in the EU and the world: the seas, oceans and other water bodies.

Created from that mobilisation, the Bauhaus of the Seas Sails consortium was created and in 2022 was granted EU funding under the 2022 call for the development of the first New European Bauhaus ‘lighthouse demonstrators’. Officially launched in Lisbon at the start of 2023, the Bauhaus of the Seas Sails consortium encompasses 18 academic, cultural and territorial partners located in 7 cities and regions across 4 aquatic ecosystems.

To know more about this project access here.

Project Duration: January 2023 – December 2025

Funding Institution: Horizon Europe

Project Reference: 10.3030/101079995


Francisco Teixeira Bastos
Teresa Valsassina Heitor

TULIPS – DemonsTrating lower pollUting soLutions for sustaInable airPorts acrosS Europe

Also appears in: International, Ongoing

The TULIPS consortium will contribute to the transition to low-carbon mobility and enhance current sustainability actions at airports for the next four years by developing and implementing innovative solutions, supported by the EU with €25 million in funding. The funding is part of the European Green Deal. The collaboration of frontrunning airports, airlines, knowledge institutes and industrial partners in this unique European consortium makes it possible to contribute significantly to sustainable aviation, on top of current contributions and actions planned.

Collaborating at four very different airports, with the input from the broad coalition of partners will allow the impact of the solutions on the European climate targets to become apparent. Successful demonstration of specific actions to accelerate sustainability in different scenarios will showcase these innovations and how they can be implemented throughout Europe. The outcomes of the project are expected to contribute significantly to the decarbonisation of the aviation sector. The relevant knowledge gained will be shared on this website, which will allow the aviation industry and other European airports to apply the TULIPS concepts and technologies through practical roadmaps.

It is planning 17 demonstrator projects at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Partner airports Oslo, Turin and Larnaka will also implement some of these innovations. Airports, airlines, knowledge institutes and sector partners are working together to accelerate the process of sustainability in and around the airport.

You can access the website of the project here.

Project Duration: January 2022 – December 2025

Funding Institution: Horizon 2020

Project Reference: 10.3030/101036996


Rosário Macário
Jorge Miguel dos Reis Silva

IN:Transition – Planning for Urban Transitions

Also appears in: International, Ongoing

The programme In:Transition on planning for transitions allows students to examine phenomena attributed to a wide urban/regional domain, such as gentrification, the use of public spaces, multiculturalism, pervasive neoliberal urban developments and their effects, policies for migrants and minorities, the effects of zoning mechanisms, the role of place-based interventions, urban/rural synergies, biodiversity loss, etc. This form of learning experience contributes to the professional responsibility of future urban planners by enhancing their role in the field of law, negotiation, and mediation.

It is for all these reasons that this EMDM proposal for the creation of a EMJM makes, in our understanding, a lot of sense for the European context and beyond, namely by taking advantage of the excellence of the three HEI involved. The future EMJM programme includes the extra-European context, such as the Global South, with specific challenges of a diverse nature, and where innovative methodologies are urgent.

You can access the website of the project here.

Project Duration: October 2023 – December 2024

Funding Institution: Erasmus Mundus

Project Reference: 101128277


Jorge Gonçalves
Isabel Loupa Ramos
Margarida Barata Monteiro
Maria do Rosário Partidário
Rute Martins

Bhave4climate – Children and young people behaviour for climate change

Also appears in: International, Ongoing

Addressing climate change is urgent, having the transition towards renewable energy become essential, namely after the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals and the global emissions reduction targets. To deal with that, countries need to act more effectively. Portugal, particularly, must implement more successful policies to encourage change (from fossil fuels to renewable energy) and to reduce energy consumption. 

Although there are environmental education programs, especially Eco-schools, their impact on behavioural change is not well known. Thus, this research intends to become a national reference for diagnosing pro-environmental attitudes, norms, values and behaviours in children and young people, so that such knowledge may allow the development of (new) programs that lead to a behavioural change in the transition towards sustainability. 

Schools play a crucial role in training generations to face environmental challenges, such as climate change. Additionally, children and young people can influence nearby adults’ behaviour, accelerating climate change mitigation goals (Collado et al, 2019). 

Literature shows that environmental behaviours are influenced by sociodemographic factors (Li et al, 2019) and psychological factors (as social norms, attitudes, personal values, among others) that can stimulate or hinder such behaviours. The assessment of these factors is crucial to establish effective energy transition and climate change mitigation programs. This raises some questions about: (i) the positioning of children and young people in relation to pro-environmental values and behaviours; (ii) the influence of psychosocial and demographic factors on pro-environmental behaviours; (iii) the effectiveness of Eco-schools programs; and (iv) if this generation adopts more pro-environmental behaviours or not. 

Project Duration: January 2024 – December 2024

Funding Institution: Fundación la Caixa

Project Reference: FP23-2B088


Fátima Bernardo
Isabel Loupa Ramos
Joana Dias

MiLAND - The impact of migration on landscape identity in an urban and a rural context

The interactions between people and their surroundings play an important role in the construction of their identities. We know the landscape we live in, we interact with it daily and in doing so, we make it our home. Feeling at home in our surroundings plays an important role in our quality of life. People sometimes struggle severely with being displaced when for example peoples’ landscape is being turned into a nature area or when people have to flee their home due to war. Even when people voluntarily migrate, it often proves a struggle to settle in their new surroundings. The places in which people have lived previously, shape how they are connected to the landscape they live in. Migrants for example often value features in the landscape which remind them of their home. Also, people’s cultural background and values shared with the local community have an impact on how they perceive and value their surroundings. Major differences between how migrants and natives view their landscape can contribute to segregation. This research will, therefore, address these issues, investigating differences in how migrants and natives identify with the local landscape and trying to uncover underlying factors that influence the effects of migration on people’s landscape identity. This research project is divided into four different phases: participatory landscape character assessment, focus groups, surveys, and in-depth interviews. These steps will be applied in rural and urban areas in both Belgium and Portugal to understand the processes of landscape identity formation across different contexts.

Project Duration: October 2021 – 2025

Funding Institution: Research Foundation Flanders


Isabel Loupa Ramos
Fátima Bernardo

R2UTechnologies | modular system

Also appears in: National, Ongoing

The “R2UTechnologies | modular system” Innovation Pact consists of the development and industrialisation of a new disruptive modular construction concept. This concept will be developed in such a way as to be able to respond to the growing needs of the market and the new challenges facing the sector, particularly in terms of sustainability and environmental protection. As a result, the Pact will empower the business community, academia and HR itself with the means, knowledge and key skills to create a cluster on national soil for the global supply of the modular construction sector, with the prospect of launching 18 PPS with a tradable and internationalisable profile by the end of the project.

R2U Technologies is structured into 7 Work Packages, each focused on a different segment of the construction sector’s value chain, from the design phase to the operation and maintenance of the building during its life cycle. The WP are intended to respond to the present and future needs of the sector, with the aim of creating a synergistic network between partners and relevant players, minimising dependence on external markets. This projects counts with almost 50 participants.

You can access the website of the project here.

Project Duration: January 2022 – December 2025

Funding Institution: Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência

Project Reference: 02/C05-i01.01/2022.PC644876810-00000019


Alexandra Alegre
Francisco Teixeira Bastos
Teresa Valsassina Heitor

Housing as a ‘FIRST RIGHT’: Addressing housing precarity in contemporary Europe. Contributions from Portugal

Also appears in: National, Ongoing, Spatial Justice

The housing theme (re)emerges in the political and mediatic agendas as one of the main global priorities, as shown by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development or the Urban Agenda for
the European Union (2016), reflecting a world housing crisis. Whatever the specificities of each context, this symptom results from the consolidation of global housing financialization process.
More than a human right, housing tends to be read as a commodity and a financial asset, hindering access to adequate housing for an increasing part of the urban population and, consequently, worsening its general housing conditions. Considering the current urban scenario, the European Union announced in 2017 a future Agenda for Housing, underlying the necessity of a better articulation between the European policies and the housing policies of its member states. In Portugal, the government launched a New Generation of Housing Policies (2018) and it defends the universal access to adequate housing, through the ‘First Right’ – Housing Access Support Program (Decree-Law no. 37/2018), engaged to resolve the housing precarity in the country. Unlike its predecessor, this program presents a broad sense of habitat and a wide range of housing solutions based on integrated and participatory approaches. Following this inflexion, this research proposes a critical and reflexive lecture of the processes and projects carried out in the scope of the ‘First Right’ program, evaluating their contribution to a more spatial justice, from the policies and projects developed, to their implementation and space appropriation. It aims to inform more inclusive and sustainable policies and practices committed to universal access to an adequate housing, at the European and national levels, in line with at least two goals of the 2030 Agenda: 10. ‘Reduce inequality within and among countries’; 11. ‘Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’. Given these goals and targets assumed, the proposed research could contribute to: new ways to read, plan and project housing models and typologies; new theoretical and methodological frameworks in light of the spatial justice; underline innovative and sustainable urban housing solutions.

Project Duration: March 2021 – March 2027

Funding Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Project Reference: 2020.01858.CEECIND


Silvia Jorge

Morphological innovation of the loggia for urban resilience to climate change

Also appears in: National, Ongoing

Temporary occurrences of extreme intensities of ultra-violet radiation and increasing periods of heat waves, due to climate change, present public health risks. Remaining in the shadow during midday hours in such conditions is a public health promotion strategy. Following this premise, this research explores morphological innovation of the urban loggia, i.e., public shaded walkways and sitting areas integrated in the ground level of buildings. These spaces have the potential to generate microclimates through passive cooling, reducing energy consumption of indoor temperature regulation in building entrances and contributing to the sustainability of buildings and cities.

To improve the inclusive building performance of the urban loggia shadow spaces by integrating non-visual sensory modalities, this research is centred on integrating the diversity of people’s conditions and needs, as far as possible, and for that explores the empirical knowledge of a key users group, specifically blind people. The focus of this investigation is to identify positive and negative spatial components and requalification strategies of the urban loggia shadow spaces. The obtained results will contribute to a strategic adaptation of urban buildings to climate change in Portugal and other countries with similar vulnerabilities.

More about the project  here.

Project Duration: January 2018 – November 2024

Funding Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Project Reference: 101128277


Carlos Mourão Pereira
Teresa Heitor

SIZA_3CITY - Habitação colectiva de Álvaro Siza: projetos, contextos e vivências (Porto-Lisboa-Nova Iorque)

Also appears in: National, Ongoing

The general aim of this project is to study the transformations in Siza’s collective housing over the past 5 decades, focusing on the linked analysis of: a) the projects (social and private housing) and the respective social and urban condition framework; and b) their residents and the relationships they develop with the projected space.

The research follows an intensive methodology: comparative study of 3 Siza’s cases/collective housing projects. Each represents a moment on the architect’s professional life and corresponds to a moment in the life of society and the city; the 3 together, and their temporal sequence, represent (part of) Siza’s trajectory and that of contemporary society and of the city.

The greatest innovation in the proposal is in the temporal sequence of the 3 cases, which allows us to answer the following questions: what has changed in the production and appropriation of Siza’s houses and how do these changes relate to social transformations and the architect’s career? Who promoted the housing at the different times, locations, to what end and for whom? What are the formal, functional and contextual differences/similarities between the projects? How have transformations in the urban context impacted on the occupation of dwelling in social, use and value terms? What is the social profile of residents, their evolution and differences between cases? How do these residents live in Siza’s houses? Why do they choose to live in Siza-Pritzker houses, and what does it mean?

Project Duration: February 2022 – July 2024

Funding Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Project Reference: SIZA/UES/0014/2019


Alexandra Alegre (co-PI)
Teresa Valsassina Heitor

SIZA baroque

“Siza Baroque” is a research project that aims to highlight the relationship between the idea of Baroque and the work of Álvaro Siza.

The aim of this project is precisely to test this interpretative possibility which, in our opinion, will bring considerable knowledge gains in understanding: Siza’s design method, his journey over time, the metamorphosis of his work over that time and the metamorphosis of his projects themselves. Aware that placing the idea of the Baroque and Álvaro Siza’s architecture side by side will also bring gains in knowledge in terms of revealing what the Baroque really is, we also believe that the planned research will be a particularly fruitful opportunity to understand more and better what has been described, with a certain reluctance on the part of the author, as “Siza’s genius”. Unfolding – in the manner of Deleuze – Siza’s architectural work and endeavouring first to observe it and then to show it through a Baroque lens is the first and last objective of the proposed research.

The propose is to verify the presence of Baroque ideas and ideals in Siza (i.e. in his work, or rather in his work as a testimony to his thinking about architecture and the world in which it is inscribed), to the point where Siza may be closer to Borromini than to the so-called architecture of our time, without this condition of antiquity and distance making it inappropriate for our time; on the contrary, it shows how Siza’s is an architecture without time.

You can access the website of the project here.

Project Duration: September 2021 – September 2024

Funding Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Project Reference: SIZA/CPT/0021/2019


Ana Tostões

STREETS4ALL - Allocating road space dynamically over time – hours, days and seasons.

STREETS4ALL is a project funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) led by the Instituto Superior Técnico – University of Lisbon and the University of Coimbra (Project Ref. PTDC/ECI-TRA/3120/2021). The project aims to evaluate how to allocate road space dynamically over time according to multi-modal and multi-functional street uses. Urban space is often underutilized. Traditional designs plan the road network to support maximum demand. While in peak hours, streets can be saturated, in non-peak hours, space is often idling.This space has been inequitably preferring motorized modes, in particular cars. Today, many cities target the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by favoring people-centric planning after decades of car-centered planning.

The objective of the project includes proposing methodologies for site selection of equitable allocation of space, street design and technological solutions that can adapt its function and use equitably for all modes over time, according to some periodicity (e.g., an hour, few hours, or days) and at pre-timed periods (e.g., peak or off-peak, day or night time).

You can access the website of the project by clicking here.

Project Duration: January 2022 – January 2025

Funding Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Project Reference: PTDC/ECI-TRA/3120/2021


Ana Sá
Freddy Nogueira
Gabriel Valença

[PAILT] Projects to accelerate research in the Thematic Lines

Also appears in: Concluded, National, PAILT

The research acceleration projects in CiTUA Thematic Lines are projects designed for one year, which have as objectives:

  1. To promote intra-CiTUA cooperation, creating synergies among the various researchers – integrated, collaborators and others – and their research interests;
  2. To reinforce the scientific production and the public dissemination within the Thematic Line;
  3. To provide solid bases for the expansion of research developed within this scope through a future submission to national or international funding;



Also appears in: Concluded, National, PAILT

ROLE central motivation is to contribute to the (re)design of innovative, effective and meaningful educational environments, anchored in the values of a sustainable attitude at social, environmental, economic and cultural level. It explores different typologies of built spaces at different scales. It analyses their potential for educational practices, knowledge transfer, their value as educational opportunities, and their role as educational context, agent and content (Trilla 1993). The approach focuses on the educational needs and expectations (formal, non-formal and informal) of different target audiences (compulsory education, extracurricular education, adult and senior education, lifelong education), considering socio-economic implications and contexts of permanence, temporality or unpredictability. ​

To know more about this project access here.

Trilla, Jaume Bernet. 1993. “La Educación y La Ciudad.” In Otras Educaciones: Animación Sociocultural, Formación de Adultos y Ciudad Educativa, 177–203. Barcelona: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Barcelona y la Editorial Antropos.


Alexandra Alegre
Teresa Valsassina Heitor

[PAILT] reHAB – Habitat regeneration as cradle for resilient healthy communities

Also appears in: Concluded, National, PAILT

reHAB proposes to investigate the built environment, design and construction processes considering all the participants from architects to politicians and inhabitants. The research addresses rehabilitation, renovation and reuse as actions for a sustainable decarbonized circular design regarding the inheritance of a built world. As underlying action, knowledge on the existent-built environment in mandatory, the reading and understanding of the built legacy is crucial for its transformation and adaptation towards the contemporary demands of comfort, security, safety, wellbeing addressing climate crisis and the human body that emerges from that urgency. Depicting and interpreting modern housing buildings the investigation of the Habitat engages the understanding of collective housing and the domestic space in a holistic approach where public areas are considered signifying for the contemporary reflection on the renewal of local communities’ strengths. Contemporary resilient healthy neighborhoods must address design and social porosity in order to achieve a timeless lesson from vernacular architecture, where the awareness of climate conditions together with the acknowledgment of social sciences built a humanized balanced sustainability. The world has changed and it is mandatory to filing the gap of the massification of modern construction in a moment of history where the housing crisis, the housing models research and the recognition of the quality of public space are here again. Simultaneously, climate challenges are calling us towards the maintenance of civilization, as we know it. Therefore, reHAB proposes to be a contribution where heritage is engaged as cradle for innovative sustainable communities crucial for the future.

To know more about this project access here.


Ana Tostões
Daniela Arnaut

[PAILT] Lis|PIH – LISBON PRE-INDUSTRIAL HOUSING. Diagnosis and contribution for policies to foster a sustainable urban and housing regeneration

Also appears in: Concluded, National, PAILT

The research project “LIS PIH” focuses on diagnosing and developing strategies for the regeneration of Pre-Industrial Urban Housing (PIH) in Lisbon. These buildings, which are predominantly multi-family and of traditional construction from the Early Modern Age, form an important part of the city’s architectural heritage.

From its initial phases, the project has successfully identified and delineated the most significant areas in Lisbon with existing stocks of PIH. This effort has led to the creation of a systematic inventory, comprising over 200 files, which locates, characterizes, and documents these buildings. Additionally, a bibliographic database on industrial housing in Portugal and Europe is nearing completion.
The project has concluded several main stages:
1. Lisbon PIH Definition:Geographical delimitation and mapping of zones with relevant pre-industrial housing.
2. Lisbon PIH Systematization:Characterization of representative buildings within these zones.
3. Lisbon PIH Case Studies:Analysis of the current condition, evolution, and typologies of representative building groups.
4. Database for Intervention on LIS PIH:Creation of a database suitable for urban management and building regeneration.
In parallel, the project is gathering references on similar projects as part of a complementary Bibliography for European PIH.
Future developments will include a diagnosis through the evaluation of the cultural, environmental, and social values of these buildings using a multicriteria approach. The findings will be provided to the City Council, identifying properties or groups of properties for potential acquisition and suitable rehabilitation. Moreover, the project will define planning strategies and redesign measures for an intervention program based on a survey of similar European projects.


João Vieira Caldas
Joana Mourão

[PAILT] Fire-B-aware – Wildfire risk perception and preparedness amongst school children and their families in Portugal

Also appears in: Concluded, National, PAILT

Fire-B-aware intends to investigate the wildfire risk perception and preparedness amongst school children and their families in Portugal. To do so, two main objectives were established to guide the development of the project:

(i) understand how middle school students living in Portugal perceive wildfire risk, how they are prepared to respond to wildfire risk events and how their attitudes and behaviours shape their preparedness and

(ii) understand which is the middle school student’s families perception of wildfire risk mitigation in the scope of spatial planning. Associated to each of these objectives, respectively, one type of questionnaire will be conducted to collect the required data. As Fire-B-aware outputs, it is expected to submit two papers in scientific journals, to present communications in international conferences, to develop a guide for schools rising awareness on this subject and to organise a seminar on wildfire risk perception.

To know more about this project access here.


Isabel Loupa Ramos
Fátima Bernardo

[PAILT] Cidade Tejo

Also appears in: Concluded, National, PAILT

The “Cidade Tejo” project addresses the challenges posed by climate change and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during the “Decade of Action” (2020-2030). These challenges underscore the urgent need for new paradigms in planning and governance systems. This project aims to critically diagnose the Tagus estuary waterfront to identify: (i) urban dynamics leading to current land uses; (ii) key characteristics and functionalities of these areas, particularly regarding sustainable development and responses to hydrological risks; and (iii) the visions and strategies within various instruments affecting these territories, assessing their effectiveness, coherence, and coordination with other governance tools, programs, and projects.The final phase will synthesize these analyses, creating an integrated vision for the estuarine system. This vision will address climate change challenges, inform “Water Risk Sensitive Urban Planning,” and meet the population’s needs in social revitalization and urban regeneration of riverside areas with central functions.


Ana Morais de Sá
Fernando Nunes da Silva

[PAILT] Territó – Territories of Space Injustice in Portugal

Also appears in: Concluded, National, PAILT

The project Territó aims to be an exercise in transdisciplinary knowledge production that applies the concept of spatial justice, in all its complexity, to the reality of Portugal at the municipal level. This work initially focuses on the most relevant dimensions that explain territorial asymmetries and, at a secondary level, explores possibilities to mitigate them through the implementation of public policies or other measures, using the rationale (objectives, goals, indicators) present in Sustainable Development Goals 10 and 11 of the Urban Agenda 2030. The diversity of the team, consisting of integrated researchers and collaborators from CiTUA, supported by consultants from external research centers and specialists in various identified fields, will provide a broader dimension to this research. 


Jorge Gonçalves
Sílvia Jorge