BioValue - Biodiversity value in spatial policy and planning leveraging multi-level and transformative chang (Grant Agreement No. 101060790)

The aim of BioValue is to leverage transformative change in spatial policymaking, planning practices and infrastructure development. Doing so, it upscales opportunities for valuing biodiversity in support of EU strategic actions. Transformative change is a fundamental, system-wide reorganization across technological, economic and social factors, including paradigms, goals and values. Biodiversity loss is one of the persistent problems Europe is facing. But transformative change in spatial planning can help biodiversity to be better valued while developing new ways to reach sustainable development goals.

Spatial planning policy and decision-making take place at different levels, from local to global. Therefore, many are the players who can drive transformative change in spatial policy and planning processes – researchers, the public, policy makers, businesses and third sector organisations.

The project aims to safeguard and increase biodiversity by focusing on key steps of the mitigation hierarchy, addressing indirect drivers, renewed EU finance strategy within spatial planning, and better articulated instruments for mainstreaming biodiversity concerns into other sectors across different levels of governance.

To have access to the BioValue official website click here.


Maria do Rosário Partidário
Margarida Barata Monteiro
Isabel Loupa-Ramos
Jorge Batista e Silva
Ana Sá
Rute Martins
STREETS4ALL - Allocating road space dynamically over time – hours, days and seasons.

STREETS4ALL is a project funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) led by the Instituto Superior Técnico – University of Lisbon and the University of Coimbra (Project Ref. PTDC/ECI-TRA/3120/2021). The project aims to evaluate how to allocate road space dynamically over time according to multi-modal and multi-functional street uses. Urban space is often underutilized. Traditional designs plan the road network to support maximum demand. While in peak hours, streets can be saturated, in non-peak hours, space is often idling.This space has been inequitably preferring motorized modes, in particular cars. Today, many cities target the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by favoring people-centric planning after decades of car-centered planning.

The objective of the project includes proposing methodologies for site selection of equitable allocation of space, street design and technological solutions that can adapt its function and use equitably for all modes over time, according to some periodicity (e.g., an hour, few hours, or days) and at pre-timed periods (e.g., peak or off-peak, day or night time).

You can access the website of the project by clicking here.


Ana Sá
Freddy Nogueira
Gabriel Valença
SIZA baroque

“Siza Barroco” é um projecto de investigação que visa pôr em evidência a relação entre a ideia de Barroco e a obra de Álvaro Siza. O que com este projecto se pretende é, justamente, pôr à prova esta possibilidade interpretativa que, a nosso ver, trará ganhos de conhecimento consideráveis na compreensão: do método de projecto de Siza, do seu percurso ao longo do tempo, do metamorfosear da sua obra ao longo desse tempo e da própria metamorfose dos seus projectos. Cientes de que a colocação lado-a-lado da ideia de Barroco e da arquitectura de Álvaro Siza trará também ganhos de conhecimento do lado da revelação do que é afinal o Barroco, cremos, igualmente, que a investigação programada será uma ocasião particularmente fecunda para compreendermos mais e melhor o que tem sido descrito, com certa relutância do autor, enquanto “o génio de Siza”. Desdobrar – à maneira de Deleuze – a obra arquitectónica de Siza e procurar, primeiro, observá-la e, depois, dá-la a ver através de uma lente barroca é o objectivo primeiro e último da investigação proposta.


Ana Tostões
BRIDGE - Bridging science and local communities for wildfire risk reduction (PCIF/AGT/0072/2019)

BRIDGE is an action-research project aimed at developing an approach to integrate different forms of knowledge and action in order to reduce wildifre risk. Local populations are not mere repositories of information from generalist information campaigns. Rather, they hold experiential knowledge that should be crosschecked with scientific information for a more detailed risk assessment. In the action plan, rural fire risk mitigation measures need to be incorporated into local governance logics and the daily routines of forest users.
At the methodological level, the development of this integrated approach will be implemented through a participatory-action research (PAR) applied to a specific territory, Monchique region. Participatory action research is understood as a process by which science and scientists, regional and local governance agencies, decision-makers and public officials, communities and local leaders cooperate with the dual objective of: i) assessing the vulnerabilities and resources of their territory; and ii) identifying the various risk reduction alternatives. This local involvement is a way to build knowledge with the community, raise wildfire risk awareness and foster a more enduring commitment with wildfire risk reduction policy. BRIDGE’s
participatory action research will be applied to a pre-selected pilot-area, Monchique region, and will comprise two major moments: one of participatory socio-territorial diagnosis and a local capacity-building process embodied in the form of a collaborative laboratory. The activities developed in the collaborative laboratory of BRIDGE (Innovation Lab for CBDRR) will be materialized through the adoption of collaborative methodologies, namely the participatory mapping. The involvement between local communities, local/regional technicians and scientists will occur through the construction of a local scaled map where relevant elements for wildfire risk management, such as socio-ecological vulnerabilities, local resources and capacities, will be identified. This map will subsequently be adapted to digital format so that it can be used for other purposes, such as spatial planning and wider public awareness.The development of BRIDGE will be ensured by a consortium of three institutions, respectively the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), coordinator of the project, the Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), and the University of Algarve (UAlg).


Maria do Rosário Partidário
Joana Dias
Isabel Loupa Ramos
Margarida Barata Monteiro
Rute Martins
Guilherme Saad
Housing as a ‘FIRST RIGHT’: Addressing housing precarity in contemporary Europe. Contributions from Portugal

The housing theme (re)emerges in the political and mediatic agendas as one of the main global priorities, as shown by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development or the Urban Agenda for
the European Union (2016), reflecting a world housing crisis. Whatever the specificities of each context, this symptom results from the consolidation of global housing financialization process.
More than a human right, housing tends to be read as a commodity and a financial asset, hindering access to adequate housing for an increasing part of the urban population and, consequently, worsening its general housing conditions. Considering the current urban scenario, the European Union announced in 2017 a future Agenda for Housing, underlying the necessity of a better articulation between the European policies and the housing policies of its member states. In Portugal, the government launched a New Generation of Housing Policies (2018) and it defends the universal access to adequate housing, through the ‘First Right’ – Housing Access Support Program (Decree-Law no. 37/2018), engaged to resolve the housing precarity in the country. Unlike its predecessor, this program presents a broad sense of habitat and a wide range of housing solutions based on integrated and participatory approaches. Following this inflexion, this research proposes a critical and reflexive lecture of the processes and projects carried out in the scope of the ‘First Right’ program, evaluating their contribution to a more spatial justice, from the policies and projects developed, to their implementation and space appropriation. It aims to inform more inclusive and sustainable policies and practices committed to universal access to an adequate housing, at the European and national levels, in line with at least two goals of the 2030 Agenda: 10. ‘Reduce inequality within and among countries’; 11. ‘Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’. Given these goals and targets assumed, the proposed research could contribute to: new ways to read, plan and project housing models and typologies; new theoretical and methodological frameworks in light of the spatial justice; underline innovative and sustainable urban housing solutions.


Silvia Jorge
SIZA_3CITY - Habitação colectiva de Álvaro Siza: projetos, contextos e vivências (Porto-Lisboa-Nova Iorque)

The general aim of this project is to study the transformations in Siza’s collective housing over the past 5 decades, focusing on the linked analysis of: a) the projects (social and private housing) and the respective social and urban condition framework; and b) their residents and the relationships they develop with the projected space. The research follows an intensive methodology: comparative study of 3 Siza’s cases/collective housing projects. Each represents a moment on the architect’s professional life and corresponds to a moment in the life of society and the city; the 3 together, and their temporal sequence, represent (part of) Siza’s trajectory and that of contemporary society and of the city. The cases are: 1. Bouça/Porto – started following the 1974 revolution. Symbolising the Revolution, Architecture and the Right to the City when it was in decay; 2. Terraços de Bragança – Chiado, Lisboa, started in the 1990s. Symbolising the national real estate boom, modernization launch and procrastination of urban renaissance; 3. Building 611 West 56th Street – Hell’s Kitchen, New York, began in the 2010s. Symbolising hyper-globalisation, the rise of the city, financialisation of real estate and the incontestability of the value of architectural authorship. The greatest innovation in the proposal is in the temporal sequence of the 3 cases, which allows us to answer the following questions: what has changed in the production and appropriation of Siza’s houses and how do these changes relate to social transformations and the architect’s career? Who promoted the housing at the different times, locations, to what end and for whom? What are the formal, functional and contextual differences/similarities between the projects? How have transformations in the urban context impacted on the occupation of dwelling in social, use and value terms? What is the social profile of residents, their evolution and differences between cases? How do these residents live in Siza’s houses? Why do they choose to live in Siza-Pritzker houses, and what does it mean?


Alexandra Alegre (co-PI)
Teresa Valsassina Heitor
Projects to Accelerate Research in the Thematic Lines (PAILT)

The research acceleration projects in CiTUA Thematic Lines are projects designed for one year, which have as objectives:

  1. To promote intra-CiTUA cooperation, creating synergies among the various researchers – integrated, collaborators and others – and their research interests;
  2. To reinforce the scientific production and the public dissemination within the Thematic Line;
  3. To provide solid bases for the expansion of research developed within this scope through a future submission to national or international funding;


Coordinator: Alexandra Alegre, Teresa Heitor

reHAB – Habitat regeneration as cradle for resilient healthy communities

Coordinator: Ana Tostões, Daniela Arnaut

Lis|PIH – LISBON PRE-INDUSTRIAL HOUSING. Diagnosis and contribution for policies to foster a sustainable urban and housing regeneration.

Coordinator: João Vieira Caldas, Joana Mourão

Fire-B-aware – Wildfire risk perception and preparedness amongst school children and their families in Portugal

Coordinator: Isabel Loupa Ramos, Fátima Bernardo

Territó – Territories of Space Injustice in Portugal

Coordinator: Jorge Gonçalves, Sílvia Jorge

Cidade Tejo

Coordinator: Ana Morais de Sá, Fernando Nunes da Silva





MetroGov3C - Governança na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa num contexto de conflito, competição e cooperação

The MetroGov3c project (PTDC/GES-URB/30453/2017) intends to face the challenge of institutional weakening in the metropolitan context, seeking to contribute to the effectiveness of public policies at metropolitan scale, and also at more local scales, as well as to an efficient management of the scarcity of resources that societies face today.

Thus, MetroGov3c seeks to make a critical evaluation of the models successively designed over time, of the respective advances they proposed, but also of the obstacles that were placed in their way to prevent them from becoming reality. At the same time, the project will provide an update of knowledge based on recent scientific and technical production, the evaluation of metropolitan governance models in similar economic, political and cultural contexts and the current situation in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (LMA).

The project is funded by the Foudation for Science and Technology and involves researchers from Instituto Superior Técnico, Faculdade de Arquitetura and Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território.

To have access to the project’s official website check this link.


Jorge Gonçalves
Beatriz Condessa
Fernando Nunes da Silva
Isabel Loupa Ramos
Joana Castro e Almeida
Jorge Batista e Silva
José Antunes Ferreira
Pedro Pinto
Atlas of School Architecture in Portugal – Education, Heritage and Challenges ASAP-EH

Atlas of School Architecture in Portugal – Education, Heritage and Challenges (ASAP-EHC) is a research project funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology) and involving a group of researchers from different universities and different fields of study: architecture, education, history, town planning, interior design, construction, energy efficiency and documentation. ASAP-EHC seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of school architecture in Portugal, focusing on buildings for secondary (lyceums and technical schools) and middle school education (industrial institutes, agricultural schools and primary schools), promoted by the State and built between the late nineteenth century and the early 1970s, when a major reform was introduced, changing the educational paradigm in Portugal. The research has the support of the historical archive of the Secretaria-Geral do Ministério da Educação e Ciência (SGMEC – General Secretariat of the Ministry of Education and Science), as the participating institution, which houses important documentary resources in its archives, mainly about public school buildings.

The aims of the research are:

  1. To identify the interactions between educational policies, political ideologies, social and economic concerns, and their impact on the design and use of schools;
  2. To understand the multi and interdisciplinary approach to the topic of school design, making crossovers between such disciplines as education, architecture, interior design/furniture, history, town planning, construction and technology, and energy efficiency;
  3. To identify the uniqueness of the Portuguese approach to school design, its evolution, specificities, innovations and influences, based on two distinct methodologies:
  1. To raise awareness about the architectural heritage of Portuguese school building, identifying its potentialities, constraints, weaknesses and the extent of its resilience, and recognising its identity, architectural values and cultural significance.

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Duration: 2016- 2019


Alexandra Alegre
Teresa Heitor
Francisco Teixeira Bastos
Patrícia Lourenço
DREAMS: Digitally supported Environmental Assessment for Sustainable Development Goals

The background of the project is that environmental assessment (EA) is applied at the early planning and design stages of a proposed activity so that authorities, the public and other stakeholders can form a view about how acceptable the activity’s sustainability performance is, and what conditions need to be applied to mitigate potential negative impact and support sustainability. EA is legally required and recognised as a critical part of authorities’ development approval process and of public and private developers’ design of strategies and projects (European Commission, 2018). However, current EA practice has a series of shortcomings that the project will address:

  • SDGs are not very well addressed in EAs and there is a lack of framework for a thorough and systematic integration.
  • Climate change initiatives are not strongly considered in terms of other sustainability objectives, and there is a risk of negative trade‐offs and sub-optimisation.
  • EA processes are characterized by manually collecting and compiling existing data for EA reports, which is costly and time consuming.
  • The highly manual processes in the preparation of EAs leads to a variation in quality of the decision support that depends on the professional’s experience and knowledge.

DREAMS project aims to promote progress on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by digitally transforming the way society accesses and communicates information about environmental impacts of projects and plans in order to enable the best decisions towards green transition in a transparent and inclusive democratic process.

To have access to DREAMS official website click here.


Maria do Rosário Partidário
MiLAND - The impact of migration on landscape identity in an urban and a rural context

The interactions between people and their surroundings play an important role in the construction of their identities. We know the landscape we live in, we interact with it daily and in doing so, we make it our home. Feeling at home in our surroundings plays an important role in our quality of life. People sometimes struggle severely with being displaced when for example peoples’ landscape is being turned into a nature area or when people have to flee their home due to war. Even when people voluntarily migrate, it often proves a struggle to settle in their new surroundings. The places in which people have lived previously, shape how they are connected to the landscape they live in. Migrants for example often value features in the landscape which remind them of their home. Also, people’s cultural background and values shared with the local community have an impact on how they perceive and value their surroundings. Major differences between how migrants and natives view their landscape can contribute to segregation. This research will, therefore, address these issues, investigating differences in how migrants and natives identify with the local landscape and trying to uncover underlying factors that influence the effects of migration on people’s landscape identity. This research project is divided into four different phases: participatory landscape character assessment, focus groups, surveys, and in-depth interviews. These steps will be applied in rural and urban areas in both Belgium and Portugal to understand the processes of landscape identity formation across different contexts.


Isabel Loupa Ramos
Fátima Bernardo
SEA-ASIA - Strategic Environmental Assessment for Capacity Development in Higher Education in Asia (Erasmus+ 609743-EPP-1-2019-1- SE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP)

The purpose of the Erasmus+ SEA ASIA programme is to strengthen cooperation between the universities in the EU (Denmark, Portugal and Sweden) and Southeast Asia (Bangladesh, Laos and Vietnam) and strengthen the capacity of universities to carry out high-quality higher education in strategic environmental assessment (SEA).

In the longer term, the increased SEA capacity of the universities and stronger collaboration between universities are expected to contribute to improved integration of environmental issues in planning and decision-making processes, both nationally and internationally. Gothenburg University is the leading university for the SEA-ASIA program. Nine universities are included in the consortium.

The overall objective of this programme is to strengthen the national systems for integration of environmental considerations into strategic planning and decision-making processes at the national and international/regional level through high quality higher-level education on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).


Maria do Rosário Patrtidário
Margarida Barata Monteiro
Rute Martins
The Critical Monumentality of Álvaro Siza – Projects of urban renovation after the 1998 Lisbon World Exposition

The research project ‘The Critical Monumentality of Álvaro Siza – Projects of urban renovation after the 1998 Lisbon World Exposition’ (SIZA/CPT/0031/2019) aims to identify, characterize, debate, and reflect about the works of Álvaro Siza, within the urban policies launched in Portugal in the early 2000s.

This research project has two general goals:

The first goal aims to discuss the importance of the Portugal Pavilion within the scope of Expo98, reflecting on its episodic neglect and the current rehabilitation and adaptation project, while the second goal aims at a comprehensive reading of the works of Álvaro Siza in the context of urban renovation processes developed in the course of the Polis programme and other similar initiatives, while debating their impact on the urban and architectural context.

To know more about this project access this link.



Ana Tostões
TRUST (social innovation sTRategies for sUSTainability transitions)

The overall objective of TRUST is to explore the enabling conditions for sustainability transition(ST) initiatives, the extent to which such transitions support social innovation (SI) and the role of SI in generating transformative change, through actors’ networks and agents of change. The key research ideas build on ongoing research projects that explore the transformative potential of ST(eg TRANSIT,ARTS,GUST,TESS,SINGOCOM or TURAS). Social learning and innovation are important factors in transformative process for building social-ecological resilience [WeAn10],[West13]. In TRUST focus is on ST initiatives, supported by SI, that drive transformative change in social-ecological systems(SES). The long-term target is to contribute to create locally based networks for ST and SI strategies to enable change in approaches, routines, practices and mind-sets to create transformation for sustainable driven societies.


Maria do Rosário Partidário
Isabel Loupa Ramos
AfricaHabitat - From the Sustainability of the Habitat to the Quality of Inhabit in the Urban Margins of Luanda and Maputo

The project deals with forms of socio-urbanistic and housing intervention in the urban margins of African cities of Lusotopie, in the new millennium, focusing on those that contribute to improving the quality of inhabit and the sustainability of habitat of low-income groups. In the current context of accelerated urbanisation, globalisation and increasing socio-spatial inequalities, inscribed in the neoliberal paradigm, it is urgent to reflect on the impact of such interventions, as well as on how to construct a more inclusive habitat and on how and what to do to reinforce them. Luanda and Maputo, with similar structural constraints, are taken as case studies.


Manuel Correia Guedes
SPHERA- Supporting the professionalisation of health engineering studies and related areas in Asia

The aim of the SPHERA Erasmus + proposal is to facilitate interdisciplinary studies in health engineering and related areas with a focus on improving existing conditions and in-depth knowledge of how to use medical equipment, deliver effective modern sanitation and other public health interventions in urban and rural areas in low-income and transitional economies. The project will build as well capacities that may reduce disaster risks and contribute to better and more targeted public health based relief following disasters. Through the creation of multidisciplinary postgraduate programs in Nepal and Uzbekistan, following the Bologna model (competence-based approach, learning outcomes and compatible with ECTS), the structure of the programs will lead to comparable degrees that will allow mutual recognition and increased students and teaching staff mobility. The partner Universities will be assisted by the EU Institutions to achieve this goal. A series of compulsory modules will develop teachers’ and students’ knowledge and skills in a range of areas.
They will able to gain an understanding of the wider issues surrounding public health and how they impact on policy and practice. The ultimate goal of the project is to prepare a new generation of specialist engineers and technicians who will have major positive effects in both the health technology industry sector and the public health system through the appropriate management of emergency situations and safe use of medical technology.

Funding: European Union Erasmus+ Programme
Duration: 2016-2019


Jorge Gonçalves
João Levy
João Matos
Observatório ACP

The Observatory is a platform for the aggregation, development and divulgation of studies and data on urban mobility, road safety, and road user behaviour patterns, sponsered by the Portuguese Automobile Clube (ACP). Its consulting body is composed by the main entities with responsibilities in the sector, such as the Mobility and Transports Institute, Taxi and public transport organizations, highway operators, police forces, , road safety authorities, the National Infrastructures Company, and sectoral NGOs such as bycicle associations and environmental NGOs. Prof. Fernando Nunes da Silva is the scientific coordinator. The Observatory has conducted studies on the profile of portuguese drivers, the current situation of road safety, and mobility in Lisbon’s central axis.

Funding: Portuguese Automobile Club (ACP)
Duration: 2017-


Fernando Nunes da Silva
ROBUST - Rural-Urban Outlooks: Unlocking Synergies 2017-2021 - (grant agreement No 727988)

This is an H2020 funded project with the duration of 4 years starting in 2017. The aim of the project is to challenge the dichotomy of urban and rural spaces where urban is associated to innovation and consumption while the countryside remains a place for food production, nature conservation and recreation. As the stereotype holds the differences are blurring. This project aims to understand what are communalities and conflicts in order to move forwards in bringing out synergies and new development models. The partnership includes the following institutions: Aberystwyth University (UK), Baltic Studies Centre (Latvia), ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, European Secretariat (Germany),  Natural Resources Institute Finland (Finland), OIKOS – Development Consulting (Slovenia), Peri-Urban Regions Platform Europe (Belgium), Policy Research Consultancy (Germany), University of Gloucestershire – Countryside and Community Research Institute (UK), University of Lisbon – Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal), University of Pisa (Italy), University of Valencia (Spain), Wageningen University (The Netherlands) and Federal Institute for Mountainous and Less-Favoured Areas (Austria).

The participation in this project links into the findings of the PERIURBAN project lead by IST/CERIS and into the work developed in the context of COLEGIO F3 of the University of Lisbon.


European Union Horizon 2020 Programme


2017 – 2021


Maria do Rosário Partidário
Isabel Loupa Ramos
Rute Martins
Margarida Monteiro
Carlos Pina
Alexandra Almeida
School system planning - Cascais’ strategic education plan

Municipal Education Plans provide the blueprint for the management and planning of education facilities. It takes into account existing structures, current supply-and-demand patterns, and projects future needs based on cohort survival population estimates.
In the current context of decentralization of education, from the central administration onto municipalities, there is an added incentive to produce updated and thourough evaluations of the current system’s preformance and expected resilience in facing of shifting demographics.
Cascais Municipality, in Lisbon’s Metropolitan Area, tasked Instituto Superior Técnico with the creation of a Strategica Plan for Education, which included a series of public meetings with stakeholders and community involvement efforts.
The final document then served as a guide for the subsequent revision of the Municipal Education Plan.
Both projects were developed in close cooperation with the municipality’s Education Council and education department.

Funding: Municipality of Cascais

Duration: 2016-2018


Jorge Gonçalves
Rui Oliveira (Ceris-IST)
Carolina Guerreiro
RMB - Reuse of modernist buildings

RMB is focused on the refurbishment of the existing housing stock, as well as conversion from other building typologies such as warehouses, offices and public building with special focus on the post WW2 modern era. The goal is to initiate an educational framework of common definitions, approaches and methodologies on a European level, based on existing research, educational practices and reference projects in the program countries and associated states. The follow up is a Joint Master program on reuse, offered by a consortium of five European universities.
Project Partners: HS OWL, Detmold School for Architecture and Interior Architecture – Germany (Applicant);ITU, Department of Architecture –Turkey ULisboa, Instituto Superior Técnico –Portugal; Universidade de Coimbra, Faculty of Science and Technology – Portugal; University of Antwerp, Faculty of Design Sciences –Belgium; DOCOMOMO International –Portugal and associate partner ´the energy and resources institute´ (TERI) – New Dehli, India.


European Union Erasmus + Programme
Duration: 2016- 2019


Michel Melenhorst (coordinator)
Alexandra Alegre
Ana Tostões
Francisco Teixeira Bastos
João Vieira Caldas
Patrícia Lourenço
Teresa Valsassina Heitor
Public Procurement: New Hospitals

This is a continuing line of collaborations with government institutions and municipalities in the field of public procurement and the definition of evaluation criteria for public contracting and public-private partnerships.
The new “Sintra proximity hospital” intends to partially relieve the overcrowded Amadora Sintra-Hospital. The study, conducted in collaboration with the municipality of Sintra, aims at defining objective and transparent criteria for the selection of the winning bid.
The Central Administration of the National Health Service (ACSS) tasked the group with a similar study, concerning the public procurement associated with the new “Hospital Lisboa Oriental”, including a second stage of revision after the project was relaunched recently.
The group also collaborated in a study on the location of the new Oeste Region Hospital.


José Antunes Ferreira
Beatriz Condessa
Jorge Gonçalves
Paulo Luz
Filipe Silva
Rosária Cavaleiro
Accessible rent program

Coordinator of “Consultadoria especializada em contratação pública no âmbito dos concursos públicos necessários à execução do Programa Renda Acessível” (Municipality of Lisbon).
Lisbon’s Accessible Rent Program aims at providing affordable housing within the Municipality of Lisbon. Recent trends in tourism, and the international context, have led to a significant increase in the average price, and a reduction in the available pool, of houses in central locations. Prof. Antunes Ferreira has helped the Municipality in setting-up a system of public-private partnership where the municipality provides the land, the private promoter builds, manages and maintains new housing stock, with a significant part being rent-controlled. The promoter receives the income from renting for a set period and, as the concession period experis, the municipality receives back the buildings. The program, initiated last year, is already concluding the first concession contracts and is expected to generate 6.400 units with affordable rent from a total of 9.000 new dwellings.

Funding: Municipality of Lisbon


José Antunes Ferreira
Filipe Silva
Ricardo Veludo
Unseen Seaside: A Multisensory Coastal Space Dimension Through Invisibility

This research focuses on health promotion through prophylactic and therapeutic spaces of Health and Well-being Bathing Facilities (HWBF) and their urban transitions as a key space for the resilience of CTS. The sun and beach tourism product is currently facing the vulnerability of ultraviolet radiation exposure and the increasing temperatures related with heat waves. It is grounded on architectural morphology innovation, and aims to identify positive and negative spatial components and requalification strategies in the CTS and HWTS. It follows a methodology based on post-occupancy evaluation aiming to identify morphological rules concerning the user’s satisfaction.
The research fits within the Horizon 2020 programme’s challenge of health and well-being, combined with the research priority of climate change.
It is argued that the assemblage of coastal tourism and health and well-being tourism is of strategic importance for Portugal, a country with the potential of becoming an inclusive health and well-being tourism destination, combining the coastal talasso bathing with the existing mineral springs on the continent and islands.

Funding: FCT (SFRH/BPD/94371/2013)
Duration: 2013-


Carlos Mourão Pereira
Teresa Valsassina Heitor
Urbanization Plan for the University of Lisbon's Campus

This project, for the University of Lisbon Administration and the Municipality of Lisbon, is focused on creating a cohesive and well-structure network of public spaces, regulate motorized traffic, and provide guidelines for the correct integration of future building within the site.
The plan’s intervention area is composed essentially of the University of Lisbon’s central Campus. The space is characterized by monofunctional spaces with very seasonal uses, but also by heavy through-traffic that crosses the heart of the Campus, generating pedestrian-vehicular traffic conflicts. The public space lacks coherence and legibility, as interventions from different decades failed to uphold the original vision for the complex.
After a prolonged characterization and strategy stage, the plan has now moved into the proposal stage. In articulation with the the University’s Administration, the Municipality, and the different faculties, the plan establishes a cohesive system of public open spaces, that promotes soft mobility and the integration of the Campus’ existing buildings, as well as proposed extensions.
The street network is interveened so as to moderate traffic and create a set of sections where priority is given to pedestrians.
Surface parking is virtually eliminated, being replaced partially by the creation and expansion of underground parking structures.

Funding: Rectorate of the University of Lisbon


José Antunes Ferreira
Isabel Loupa Ramos
Pedro Pinto
Jorge Gonçalves
Pedro George
Revision of Sines' Municipal Land-Use Plan

The revision of Sines’ Municipal Master Plan is an ongoing project for the Municipality of Sines (Southern Portugal).
The specificity of this municipality, host to Portugal’s largest deep-water port and an important industrial center, makes it an interesting case-study in the balancing and integration of social, economic, and environmental concerns within a relatively small territory.
With the characterization phase concluded, the project has now entered the proposal stage.
For the proposal, the Instituto Superior Técnico team has collaborated with the Municipality in defining and applying new methodologies for land-use classification based on digital land-use data, defining rural settlement limits, and revise the ecological and agricultural reserves.

Funding: Municipality of Sines


José Antunes Ferreira
Beatriz Condessa
Isabel Loupa Ramos
Pedro Pinto
IN_LEARNING - Designing active learning environments

IN_LEARNING focuses on active learning environments (ALE) in the framework of secondary and higher education. ALE corresponds to high performance learning settings, i.e. spaces designed to suit new approaches to learning and teaching beyond those typical of structured classes of standardized duration with breaks in between, in a way to facilitate student-centered and collaborative learning, to promote and foster informal contacts and continuous learning experiences to their students.
IN_LEARNING research was concentrated on the formulation of a theoretical framework between the relations of the design of learning facilities and the way people learn in formal and informal modes; the survey and assessment of ALE, concerning formal and informal modes of learning; and the development of a specific space-use analysis tool (SUA), based on the exploration of video technology for images in motion. Video data is crossover with “Space Syntax” models. Emerging spatial patterns of space-use and knowledge-sharing are identified by combining spatial description with the motion graphics and post processing analysis.

Funding: FCT (PTDC/CS-GEO/1010836/2008)
Duration: 2010-2013


Teresa Heitor
Alexandra Alegre
Maria Bacharel
Luísa Cannas da Silva
Patrícia Lourenço
LANDYN - Land use and cover change in Continental Portugal. characterization, driving forces and future scenarios

Land use and land cover change (LUCC) is a topic of major importance at global, national and regional levels, due to the impacts it can cause in ecological, environmental and socio-economic systems.
The main objectives of this project were:
(1) to provide a reliable and clear picture of the changes that occurred in land use and land cover (LULC) in Continental Portugal, in the decades 1980s, 1990s and 2010s;
(2) to identify and understand the major driving forces of those changes;
(3) to form the main alternative scenarios of LUCC until 2040, using a spatial model; and
(4) to use all this LUCC information to study energy demand and Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions and removals.
The first main challenge in LANDYN comes from the characterisation of LULC and LUCC in a large area and in three moments in time. To address this challenge an approach based on spatial probabilistic sampling was adopted, using a stratified sampling for estimating LUCC. Then the base LULC maps were derived through visual interpretation of aerial photography. At the estimation stage, instead of using the usual Horvitz-Thompson estimator, more complex estimators were investigated (e.g. ratio estimators). Identifying LUCC driving forces in Continental Portugal LANDYN also bring some innovative aspects:
(1) the use of self-organising map, a data mining technique, to deal with the high dimensional facet of the driving forces dataset;
(2) combine this data mining approach with a qualitative analysis based on circumstantial evidences and inferential reasoning, as a means to address the difficulty to analyse and represent driving forces.

Funding: FCT (PTDC/CS-GEO/101836/2008)
Duration: 2010-2014


Maria José Vale
Beatriz Condessa
Isabel Loupa Ramos
Mário Caetano
Rui Reis
Paulo Patrício
Manuel Valério
Pedro Marrecas
Cristina Igreja
António Silva
Bruno M. Meneses
Marcelo Ribeiro
Marco Painho
Pedro Cabral
Lx LAB: Monitoring tourism for a sustainable development of historic centers

Lx LAB project raised up due to the importance of monitoring as a process of evaluation in continuum in the validation of strategies for the sustainable development of the city.
The project intents to understand how to structure a tool for evaluation (monitoring) in continuum the tourism and its impacts in the historical center of a city. The project has the following main goals:
1. Identification of the main urban, economic, environmental and social impacts of tourism in historic centers;
2. Identification of the main indicators for monitoring tourism and its impacts in historic centers;
3. Clarification of the purpose of monitoring: Monitor for what? For whom? Who is monitoring?
4. Identification of the necessary information for the monitoring of tourism and its impacts; characterization of the type of information, data existence and its suitability; identification of the methods and entities (current and potential) responsible for its production and updating.
5. Identification of solutions that allow in continuum evaluation of tourism and its impacts on historic centers in their different dimensions (urban, economic, environmental and social) and the availability of information to the society.
It is needed an integrated long-term planning and management approach to maximize positive impacts and minimize the negative impacts of tourism, faced with a recurrent reality defined by the development of public policies almost exclusively reactive.
Thus, it is intended to understand how an in continuum evaluation tool can be structured to contribute to the monitoring of tourism and its impacts in the historical center of a city. For this purpose, the historical Alfama’s neighborhood, in the center of Lisbon, was selected as case study.
It is assumed that this monitoring tool should be managed by the local authority, to effectively contribute to the definition of municipal policies that promote sustainable development of the city. On the other hand, it is intended that this tool encourages the participation of citizens, namely in updating the information, taking advantage in some cases of applications running on mobile devices.

Funding: Ceris/IST
Duration: 2018


Joana Almeida
Mafalda Batista Pacheco
Ana Sá
Jorge Batista e Silva
Ana Paula Falcão
Filipe Moura
Tur&Bairros. Tourism and transformation dynamics in historical neighbourhoods: the case of Alfama in Lisbon

The strong relationship between tourism growth and urban rehabilitation in historic centres has led to a development of research’s focused on assessing the impacts of tourism on urban regeneration, particularly at the level of the economic and social components. However, the study of the consequences that the growth of tourism has on the built-up, as well as the integrated analysis between the intervention in the built-up and the dynamics of the housing market and demographic are small.
It is in this context that this research is developed, whose objective is to understand the dynamics of transformation at the level of land use, building, real estate market and population in a historical neighbourhood. For this purpose, the Alfama neighbourhood was selected in Lisbon.
It is also objective of this research project to analyse the context in which these transformations occurred, that is, what effects the public policies of territorial planning, tourism, urban rehabilitation and housing had on the physical changes of the neighbourhood and if its objectives were achieved.
(Funded by “Ações Exploratórias Transversais, CERIS 2017”; Instituto Superior Técnico, CERIS– Centro de Engenharia Civil, Investigação e Inovação para a Sustentabilidade).

Funding: Ceris/IST
Duration: 2017-2018


Joana Almeida
José Maria Lobo de Carvalho
Jorge Gonçalves
Inês Borges
Pedro Costa
Carlos Cruz
Ana Paula Falcão
Revision of Almada's Municipal Land-Use Plan

In 2008 the municipality of Almada started the process for the first review of its Municipal Master Plan (PDM), which had been approved by the municipal council in 1993 and ratified by the Government in 1997. In this process, the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) has participated with an interdisciplinary team of consultants, developing technical studies in different areas that allowed the City Council to build up strategies of development, reflected in the model of spatial planning and in the development of land-use plan and respective regulation.
A methodology to define the territorial development has also been carried out by IST, which implied the auscultation of the population through public participation sessions, workshops and one congress. This long and exhausting process sought to learn what were the main problems, opportunities and resources of the municipality, which were the basis to define the strategic lines and objectives of the PDM review.
After characterization studies round, IST also developed a wide range of studies to the municipality, among which are the definition of consolidated urban areas, the demographic projections until 2031, the study of equipment and the urban expansion gap, as well as the preliminary definition of the urban perimeters.
From 2016, with a revamped team constituted by the researchers listed below, it was developed the Territorial Model that preceded the preliminary proposal for the reviewed master plan and the draft of the land use regulation.
Other reports on different fields were developed by IST, in order to assist in the conception of the final report of the master plan. Among these are the reports in the fields of the participatory process and territorial identity, mobility, accessibility and transportation, landscape units and the strategic municipal ecological structure, as well as the report on the municipal financial availabilities.

Funding: Municipality of Almada


Fernando Nunes da Silva
Jorge Batista e Silva
Jorge Gonçalves
Beatriz Condessa
Isabel Loupa Ramos
Ana Sá
Fátima Bernardo
André Saraiva
João Abreu e Silva
PERCOM Equity and efficiency in the urbanization process: a land readjustment execution model

The main challenge in this project (2012-2015, funded by FCT) was to investigate the application of equity in land use planning, particularly in the urbanization process, and how to overcome the lack of effectiveness of the instruments provided in the Portuguese legislation for achieving it, namely the land readjustment (LR) instruments. Not only institutional factors concerned with the legal framework of the planning process itself were analyzed and assessed, but also the economic and financial factors embedded in urban planning were considered. In the end of this investigation, with a deeper knowledge regarding the national and international practice on LR, it would be of interest to proceed with the testing and calibration for the proposed model components, relating them with several intervention typologies. A bigger attention should be given to urban rehabilitation operations which, in Portugal as in other European countries, will henceforth become the most frequent urban interventions and which present specific challenges both regarding management as well as financing.

Funding: FCT (PTDC/AUR-URB/120509/2010)
Duration: 2012-2015


Beatriz Condessa
José Antunes Ferreira
Isabel Loupa Ramos
Ana Sá
António Ricardo da Costa
Fernando Nunes da Silva
Rachelle Alterman
Jorge Carvalho
Isabel Moraes Cardoso
EWV - Exchanging worlds visions: Modern architecture in Africa “Lusófona” (1943-1974) looking through Brazilian experience established since the 1930s

EWV studied the architecture built in Africa “Lusófona”, mostly in Angola and Mozambique, during the modern movement period in his possible continuity more or less explicit with the reference constituted by the Brazilian production. This research found an important contribution in the knowledge as it concentrated on both the survey of the existing building types and the development of a technological know-how. The methodology established a set of criteria for the selection and description of buildings and urban spaces. Research integrated different information sources (bibliography, archives and direct observation), through the elaboration of new drawings of the selected works, describing them from the site description up to the technological detail. Those drawings were then used for the construction of all the possible specific interpretative essays. Research outputs include a book, an Online Database – Website; an International Conference: “EWV_Exchanging Worlds Visions”, Escola de Arquitectura da Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, 7-8 December 2012 and a International Workshop: “(re)USAR O MODERNO – Identificar / Documentar / Conservar”, Faculdade de Arquitectura e Planeamento Físico da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique, 26-30 March 2012

Funding: FCT (PTDC/AUR-AQI/103229/2008)
Duration: 2010-2013


Ana Tostões
João Vieira Caldas
Manuel Correia Guedes
Zara Ferreira
Margarida Quintã
Ana Magalhães
Elisiário Miranda
Vicenzo Riso
Maria Manuel Oliveira
Maria Madeira de Portugal
Maria Monteiro Fernandes
Maria João Teles Grilo
Francisco Ferreira
Jessica Bonito
Ana Braga
CUCA - Healthcare facilities: strategies for the future of cure and care

The goal is to study healthcare buildings from 20th century and their role in the welfare society policy, approaching future challenges driven by the developments in technology and medicine, and the need to assure a sustainable built environment (ToKiKi14). Responding to health necessities, health care buildings are a guarantee of civilization. Subject to permanent alterations, in the context of the society transformations, these buildings will be transformed, deactivated or even demolish in a near future. In the last 50 years poverty and famine have declined whereas healthcare, education and emancipation have improved significantly worldwide. All this was possible due to modernity’s devotion to innovations in science and technology. Yet this striking progress has created incredibly damaging effects as well. The effort to renew the world with pre-existing structures goes against the devotion to the constant new, which is still dominating our behavior. The relevance has to do with the developing of a meaningful knowledge for a responsible practice of planning and design addressing environment and cultural sustainable concerns. It will be a significant contribution to knowledge in the healthcare buildings and its rehabilitation, as it concentrates on both the survey of the existing building types and the development of a technological Know-How as well as considering conservation and rehabilitation strategies.

Funding: FCT (PTDC/AUR-AQI/2577/2014)
Duration: 2017-2020


Ana Tostões
Elsa Pegorin
Daniela Arnaut
Joana Nunes
José Bandeirinha
Paulo Providência
Maria João Neto
Clara M. Soares
João Branco
Cláudia Franco
Ana Pascoal