Políticas Públicas de Ordenamento do Território, Urbanismo e Habitação

Políticas Públicas de Ordenamento do Território, Urbanismo e Habitação

This book is the result of the doctoral work carried out by its author, Demétrio Alves, and is focused on Spatial Planning, Urbanism and Housing. On the one hand, we highlight the timely and appropriate combination in the title of the three concerns that should always go hand in hand in the economic and social development processes of countries and regions, but which, due to various urgencies or deliberate forgetfulness, unfortunately, end up seeming to be separate universes. On the other hand, and perhaps even more importantly, it emphasizes that the necessary academic outlook that the contents reveal is joined by a critical and reflective perspective that is so important and, at the same time, increasingly lacking.

This is what makes the book exciting and what the presentation of the book will focus on.

12.12.24 às 15h30
Museu DECivil

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