An Updated vision on Luigi Moretti, Baroque and Caravaggio – CiTUA-IST ARCH TALKS Fall 2024

Next November 7, Thursday, at 5pm will take place the first conference of the cycle CiTUA-IST ARCH TALKS Fall 2024. The conference will take place at Museu DECivil, being held by professor Marco Mulazzani (Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara) under the title “An Updated vision on Luigi Moretti, Baroque and Caravaggio”.

Marco Mulazzani is full professor of History of Architecture at the Ferrara University. His research activity has as its prevailing (but not exclusive) object themes referring to the Italian context of the 20th Century. From 1998 to 2021 he was member of the editorial board of the magazine Casabella and editor, from 1998 to 2009, of Almanacco di Casabella, an annual special edition dedicated to contemporary Italian architecture. For Casabella, he has written monthly articles on contemporary Italian and Portuguese architecture since 1998. He is a member of the PhD Council in History of Architecture of the Doctoral School of the IUAV University of Venice. He has tutored several PhD theses. He is Member of the Council of the International Doctorate in Architecture and Urban Planning IDAUP, Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara. Among his main publications are Guida ai padiglioni della Biennale di Venezia dal 1887 (Electa, Milan 1988, 2004, new editions revised and updated in Italian and English, 2014, 2022); Guida all’architettura italiana del Novecento (Electa, Milano 1991, 2004, with S. Polano); Luigi Moretti. Opere e scritti (Electa, Milan 2000; Princeton Architectural Press, New York 2002, with F. Bucci); Giuseppe Vaccaro (Electa, Milan 2002); Case del balilla. Architettura e fascismo (Electa, Milan 2008, with R. Capomolla and R. Vittorini); L’Ospedale degli Innocenti di Firenze. La fabbrica brunelleschiana, gli Innocenti dal Quattrocento al Novecento, il nuovo museo (Electa, Milan 2016); Moretti, el Barroco, Caravaggio (Mudito & Co., Barcelona 2021);  Arte e architettura. Il Laboratorio Morseletto dal 1920 (Electa, Milan 2023, Italian and English editions, with E. Pegorin).

* A port of honor will be served after the conference

Poster fall 2024