PhD program in Transport Systems

This is a doctoral program offered jointly by IST, the faculties of Engineering of Porto and Coimbra Science and Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge-Boston-USA, within the scope of the first two phases of the international MIT Portugal program. This link is now, in this 3rd phase (2018-2023), made directly through funded research projects. The program was thought to allow formation of broad spectrum, able to become a world reference and attract the best students from around the world.

The DPTS covers all relevant transportation system themes, from transportation policy, planning, and management to infrastructure design, construction, and maintenance, for the various spatial levels (from international to urban/local) and the different transportation modes (air, water, land – rail, transit, car, bicycle, and walk).

The Doctoral Program in Transportation Systems (DPTS) is designed to prepare students for transportation-related careers in academia, including teaching and advanced research, as well as professional practice careers in both public and private sectors. Upon completion of the program, students will be intellectual leaders within their chosen fields and organizations.

The goal of the program is to prepare students to become leading actors in the transportation world by providing excellence and innovation in teaching and research through:

·         Providing a solid scientific education covering both methodological approaches and institutional factors required to understand the transportation enterprise as an intermodal integrated system;

·         Conducting cutting-edge research for the development of a world-class transportation system for passengers and freight for Portugal that can serve as a model for the rest of Europe though multi-disciplinary research collaborations between Portugal, MIT and with European universities and outside Europe;

·         Working with industrial, government, and laboratory collaborators to provide added value to the program through research collaboration and teaching involvement.


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